Intuit Phone Reading

A transformative distance reading, from wherever you are, to help you clear blocks and calm your nervous system.


It starts with meditation, then an energy reading to determine what is holding you back. Bring a few topics to this session that you'd like to work through

Gianna is reiki attuned, trained in theta healing -- Together with her natural abilities as an intuitive and medium, these techniques enable Gianna to sense into what’s ailing you, help you clear blocks, and guide you forward.


An hour of healing, exchange, and meditation.

Intuitive healing can be helpful for anyone looking for answers, insights, or clarity, or anyone having a difficult time accessing their own intuition. Each session is bespoke, as healing is not linear. During your exchange, Gianna will listen to what’s on your mind and guide you in a meditation. She will share what comes up for her from her deepest intuitive level, and will communicate insights that are helpful for navigating difficult times.


Gianna has been honing her intuition for 15 years.

After losing her partner in a car accident many years ago, Gianna embarked on a healing journey that would change her life forever. To heal herself, she pursued PTSD healing, became reiki attuned, studied theta healing, learned intuitive touch, quantum healing, and energy work. She started readings for friends before realizing that she needed to share her gifts more widely.


Clarity of mind and an intention for the future.

While many clients report feeling lighter, relaxed, and energized after a session, the healing doesn’t stop at sixty minutes. You may experience insights, manifestations, visions, and more for weeks following your session. Gianna also may suggest “homework” based on your exchange.


Access who you are and who want to become.

Having been there herself, Gianna understands the value in support on your healing journey. She is here to hold space and a vision for your highest health and power, and to help you see it too. You will feel held, honored, and loved in her hands.


    “My experience with Gianna was so powerful that it will take days to process it all. After years of seeing an amazing acupuncturist who moved his practice to San Francisco, it was time to explore LA again for a new one. And boy am I glad I did! I can honestly say, my life just got better! ”

    Lisa Gutierrez

    “I thought I’d just be going in for a relaxing hour, and ideally some immediate relief from the physical pain, but I left with so much more — and continue to reap the benefits of her work! She also helped me understand what aspects of my life might have been contributing to the discomfort.”

    Benjamin Lapides

    “Almost immediately after seeing Gianna the malady that has plagued me since my early 20s (I’m now 51) started to lift. She has done more for me than any therapist has been able to do and I’m eternally grateful. Saying what she does is transformative is a gross understatement, she truly changes lives. ”

    John Lovejoy

Book a Intuitive Accupuncture 
Appointment with Gianna